Welcome to the newest version of my website! As you can see, I've done a bit of remodeling (I wanted a new look. How do you like it?) I've also moved! Yeah, again, I know. Tripod is my new home. A little more space, a bit more freedom and I get to try my hand at HTML. It's not as hard as you may think! My new web address is amechou.tripod.com Please don't forget to update your links!
Everything is pretty much the same. I still have my fiction (some new ones to add too!) The only differences will be in the appearance for now. Later on, after my main structure is a bit more stable, I may host some fiction from some of my favorite authors and pals. I hope you're digging the new look! I'm under very heavy construction right now, (learning CSS as well! *.* Oy!) but I'll update as quickly as possible for you, okay?
Thanks for visiting *^-^* Enjoy!


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